A smart way of saving money with a Snappy Photobooth hire

Okay… we understand that your wedding is going to cost you an arm and a leg and any saving you make will be ideal to kick starting you and your newly weds’ life together.

For this reason, I am going to let you in on a little tip how a Snappy Photobooth hire can help you.

We continually receive feedback from our clients that looking for bonbonniere (or a gift for your guests) can be a painful, drawn out process. Trying to determine what to buy, keep within a budget and finding a gift that has relevance to the guest is not easy.

To combat this dilemma for our brides and grooms we have found a solution!

For a limited time we are offering 75 acrylic photostrip frames (photobooth frames) for FREE (valued at $150) on our 5 Hour Ultimate package.

Think of the old school frames that people used to put their prized photos in.

We now have customized these to the size of our photostrips and our clients are raving how their guests love them and what an amazing bonbonniere they are!

The photostrip frames have relevance as the guests are already leaving with a photostrip. The frame is the perfect compliment as it allows them to have a protective casing for their much loved photostrip and will give them the opportunity to show case it at home or at work – what a brilliant idea!

The best part is … it’s FREE*.

This is our way of resolving your bonbonniere issue at no cost.

If you would like to book your Snappy Photobooth then call 0466 682 943 or contact us.

*Limited time only