Snappy Decisions – How to Throw a Last Minute Party

If you’re a planning perfectionist like we are, then preparing for a party or event is a grand ordeal. Months of planning, gathering materials, working out times based on schedules; all of this going into one incredible night of fun with your friends and/or loved ones. Unfortunately, sometimes things can slip you by, and you end up with less time than you would prefer. Like, a LOT less time.

So, for those who have found themselves shoving three months of planning into an obscenely short timeframe, we’re here to help. So, let’s get snappy with Snappy Photobooths!

Make Up a Master List

With the sheer number of things you’re now lumbered with, it’s good to have a list on hand to ensure nothing gets left behind in the rush. A master list should include every nitty gritty necessity that has to go into preparations, including:

  • Taking out the garbage
  • Inviting everyone that you’re hoping to attend
  • If you have a roommate, telling them that there are going to be people
  • Buying cleaning supplies
  • Etc…

In all of the grandeur of setting up an event, it’s easy to let the little necessities fall by the wayside. By having a list on hand, you can be sure that everything gets taken care of. Or, at least if something doesn’t get taken care of, you know what it is. You don’t want a housemate to be bringing their parents over for the first time while your house is a chaotic mess of people and pizza.

The Entertainment Has (Hopefully) Arrived!

The main thing to consider when planning a party is what its intention is. Are you planning a get together where people are just going to eat and drink the night away? Are people coming over to watch the “big game” of some vague sports team? Whatever it is, there will be preparations required.

If you’re looking for an easy way to quickly up the fun factor of your party, why not hire a photo booth? At Snappy Photobooths, we offer an expansive selection of beautifully stylish photo booth and instaprinter options for your guests to enjoy. To learn more, contact us today!

Don’t Let Guests Starve

There is nothing worse than everyone getting to your house, only to find that there isn’t a single thing to eat. Actually, scratch that. The worst thing is being a guest at a party where there is no food whatsoever. No matter how big or small your event is – if there’s going to be people, you’re going to need to stock up on food.

Make sure that you have some easily prepared finger foods on hand. Given that you don’t have much planning time, a quick trip to the supermarket and deli should give you more than enough in the way of simple munchables. If you’re looking for something a little heartier to accompany it, pizza and other takeout foods are always an option. Just keep your budget in mind when you offer to make that order.

As a side note, it’s a good idea to ask if anyone has any intolerances or allergies as early as possible to avoid someone feeling stuck and starving. You would be surprised how common food intolerances are, and it’s good to be inclusive wherever possible.


If you’re looking for a simple way to take your party’s fun factor to the next level, Contact Snappy Photobooths Today! With a range of stylish themes and designs to choose from, it will surely be a picture perfect addition to your evening. Good luck!